The 3rd Roche Predictive Modelling and Data Analytics (PMDA) Summer School shall take place between 5th and 9th of August, 2024. This year’s topic is predicting and understanding protein turnover.

For the third time in a row, we shall host ~12 PhD students enrolled in Swiss Universities. The applicants are expected to bring experience in data analysis and modelling (for instance statistical modeling, machine learning and artificial intelligence, mechanistic modeling, or causal inference), as well as enthusiasm in applying the skills to solve real-world problems in drug discovery. Together we shall address real-world problems in drug discovery and development.

To find out more about the summer school and to register, please visit our website at

All essential information is also included in this one-pager PDF file, which can be shared, printed, and posted anywhere.

Welcome to join us, and thank you for spreading the words!