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  • Molecular Phenotyping in Drug Discovery

    Molecular Phenotyping characterizes drug candidates by profiling pathway reporter genes, i.e. pre-selected genes that are modulated specifically by human metabolic and signaling pathways, in cellular systems in order to infer drug-induced modulation of these pathways, which may predict late-onset phenotype in vitro and in vivo.

  • On The Process of Becoming A Great Scientist

    I found this article, On the Process of Becoming a Great Scientist, published by Morgan C. Giddings on the journal PLOS Computational Biology in almost exactly ten years ago (2008), highly readable and enjoyable.

  • Machine Learning with CatBoost

    Recently, during a hackathon event with my colleagues Iakov Davydov and Rudolf Biczok, I learned CatBoost, an open-source library of gradient boosting on decision trees, which is particular friendly with categorical features. Users do not need to pre-process categorical features and can directly start inference, which the authors argue is both fast and accurate.

  • edX Medicinal Chemistry - Chapter Six on Blood and Drug Transport

    Module three consists of chapter six (blood and drug transport) and chapter seven (pharmacokinetics). This module deals with the absorption and distribution of small-molecule drugs. While the previous modules were more about biochemistry, physical chemistry seems to be more relevant for this module.

  • Install R in Linux MINT 18

    After a morning of waiting and trying to compile and install R from source code with only limited success, I found out I missed the correct link which allowed me to install the latest R-3.4.4 within seconds.